Rating 3D Prints for my Condo Pt. 1 | Egg Holder, Pasta Portioner, Decorative Leave & Glitch Planter

I recently wrote an article about why every home should have a 3D printer and figured that it would be good to show off some examples of the items that I've printed so far for my condo!

Rating 3D Prints for my Condo Pt. 1 | Egg Holder, Pasta Portioner, Decorative Leave & Glitch Planter

I recently wrote an article about why every home should have a 3D printer and figured that it would be good to show off some examples of the items that I've printed so far for my condo!

What's great about all of these items is that they were downloaded completely free from either Thingiverse or Printables, loaded into the slicing software on my computer and then several hours later the 3D printer has completed it.

Item #1 | Spiral Egg Holder by Cisco

This is probably my favourite item that I've printed as it looks really cool, offers a lot of functionality and has actually improved our kitchen organization!

It was on the costlier side at $3 for materials & took just over 12 hours to complete.

Rating = 9/10

Item #2 | Pasta Portioner

I eat a lot of pasta & the biggest issue that I always have is not knowing how many portions of spaghetti I've cooked!

Thankfully this little portioner fixed all of that as it provided 4 sized slots for you to put the pasta through to ensure you've got the right amount.

Material cost for this was only $0.22 and took just under 1 hour to complete (50 minutes to be exact).

Rating = 9/10

Item #3 | Decorative Leaves

Our condo has had a lot of empty wall space ever since we moved in & I wanted to see if I could utilize the 3D printer to create an array on the wall.

We have a "plant corner" beside our TV and I wanted to match this theme so I found these really cool geometric leaves that I scaled to 250% and printed in 3 different colours.

These took a bit longer at just over 6 hours per leaf, however the cost was only $2 which is pretty good given the size & design.

Rating = 8/10

Item #4 | Glitch Planter

One of the most uniquely shaped items that I've 3D printed is this Glitch Planter that's meant for smaller cactus & succulents but can also double as a pen holder or neat storage container.

Due to the complexity of the shape, this smaller planter took just over 12 hours to complete and $3.30 material costs which is really the only downside of this unique object.

Rating = 8/10

If there's any home items that you'd like me to try printing out or designing on my 3D printer, feel free to leave it in the comments section or message me on Instagram @TorontoRealEstate.ca and I'll gladly try it in a future video!

Rylie C.