E-Bike to Showings in Etobicoke | RadCity 5 Plus

I recently sold my Tesla & have been looking for fast/efficient ways of getting around Toronto to my showings so I decided to try out my dad's RadCity 5 Plus E-Bike!

E-Bike to Showings in Etobicoke | RadCity 5 Plus

I recently sold my Tesla & have been looking for fast/efficient ways of getting around Toronto to my showings so I decided to try out my dad's RadCity 5 Plus E-Bike!

The 16km trip I had to take out to Etobicoke was estimated on Google Maps at 30 minutes by car (with minimal traffic) or 55 minutes by bike (i.e. regular peddle).

My route took me along the Martin Goodman Trail which runs parallel to Lake Ontario which made for a gorgeous ride on this sunny afternoon!Not only did I show up to my showings with a big smile on my face, I had arrived there in 40 minutes with minimal effort.

For me, I'd rather have a less stressful trip that takes slightly longer vs. sitting in mind-numbing traffic in a car but would love to hear what you think in the comments below!

Would you use an e-bike for commuting to work?

Rylie C.